INSTRUCTOR: Ian Witten, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University of Waikato, New Zealand assisted by Dr Hussein Suleman & Dynal Patel
Susan Veldsman
What does Greenstone do?—Examples
Platforms and installation
Documentation and help
Building simple collections
Building collection from HTML documents
Building collection from Word/PDF documents
Building image collection
Creating Greenstone CD-ROM
Working with metadata
Adding and using metadata
Browsing classifiers, search indexes
Extensive exercise based on HTML files
Building advanced collections
Multimedia collection
Under the hood: collection configuration file
Customizing with macros
Personalizing your home page
Examples of what others have done
Reaching out
Bibliographic (MARC) data: metadata crosswalks
OAI: serving and ingesting
Generating METS; using MODS
Interoperating with DSpace
More advanced collections
Multimedia collection (continuation)
Formats and macros exercise
Scanned image collection (if time)
Practical interoperability exercises
Collections of MARC records
Collection of harvested OAI records
Exporting to DSpace Using METS as the internal representation
The way forward
Report on a study to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Greenstone Support Organization in Africa
Dr Dale Peters & Dynal Patel
1-day Workshop
Booklet Slides
Greenstone Software
Booklet (41 pages)