Thurs 26 May, Donald Gordon Auditorium
Welcome - Luci Abrahams, LINK Centre Director
Introduction to the Commons-sense Project – Heather Ford, LINK Centre Commons-sense Project Manager
Global Momentum Towards the Commons
Lawrence Lessig (Creative Commons)
James Love (Consumer Project on Technology)
Tenu Avafia (Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa)
African Universities & Digital Resources
Mary Materu-Behitsa (DATAD Project, Association of African Universities)
Hussein Suleman (Dept of Computer Science, U of Cape Town)
Charles Masango (Dept of Library and Info. Sci., U of Cape Town)
eLearning & Curriculum Sharing
Derek Keats (KEWL, U of Western Cape)
Alan Amory (Open Learning System, U of KZN)
Papa Youga Dieng (RESAFAD, Senegal)
Neil Butcher (Thutong, SA Edu. Dept)
Karien Bezuidenhout (Shuttleworth Foundation)
Shafika Isaacs (SchoolNet Africa)
New Publishing for the Commons
Paula LeDieu (former Joint Director, BBC Creative Archive)
Eve Gray (Consultant, SA Human Sciences Research Council)
Joris Komen (SchoolNet Namibia)
Fri 27 May, Donald Gordon Auditorium
Welcome – Prof. Loyiso Nongxa, Wits University Vice-Chancellor & LINK Centre Advisory Board Member
Launch – Draft of “The Digital Information Commons: An African Participant’s Guide” – Chris Armstrong, LINK Centre Commons-sense Project researcher
Policy, Regulation & Trade for the Commons
Bhavini Kalan (SA National Advisory Council on Innovation)
Mogege Mosimege (SA Dept. of Science & Technology)
Francois Bar (Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California)
Achal Prabhala (Access to Learning Materials in Southern Africa Project)
Blogging the Commons
Megan Knight (PhD Candidate, Wits University)
Matthew Buckland (M&G Online)
Vincent Maher (New Media Lab, Rhodes U)
Open Content for the Developing World
Ronaldo Lemos (Creative Commons Brazil)
Lawrence Liang (Creative Commons India)
Heather Ford (Wits LINK Centre Commons-sense project & Creative Commons SA)
Claudio Prado (Brazilian Ministry of Arts & Culture)
Local Content & Language
Peter Benjamin (Open Knowledge Network (OKN) Africa) \
Bornwell Mwewa (OKN Africa)
Philipp Schmidt (Bridges.org)
Dwayne Bailey (translate.org)