Prof. Mzamo P Mangaliso
President, National Research Foundation
Keynote: The implications of the OECD declaration on open access to scientific data for African and specifically South African policy on research data and information management and curation
The Honourable Mosibudi Mangena
Minister of Science and Technology, South Africa
Theme 1: Overview : International Trends
Prof Theo Bothma
University of Pretoria
From eScience towards Knowledge Utilities
Hans Falk Hoffmann
Honorary member CERN
Information Gulags, Intellectual Straightjackets, and Memory Holes
Paul Uhlir
International S&T Information Programs and U.S. National Committee for CODATA
Theme 2A: Digital Management and Curation in Practice : International Perspective
Dr Kivilu Kivilu
Human Sciences Research Council
Social Science : Implementation and Management of a National Initiative : the example of the UK Data Archive
Kevin Schurer
UK Data Archive
International Digital Data Management and Sharing Initiatives in the Social Sciences
Peter Elias
International Data Forum, ISSC and WIS
Theme 2B: Digital Management and Curation in Practice : International Perspective
Dr Xola Mati
Implementing the NIH Data Sharing Policy : Expectations and Challenges
Dr Belinda Seto
National Institute of Health, US
Aligning Digital Preservation Policies with Community Standards
Nancy McGovern
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
GBIF Efforts in Digitising and Mobilization Primary Biodiversity Data
Vishwas Chavan and Nicholas King
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Theme 3: New Roles and Opportunities
Dr Andrew Kaniki
National Research Foundation
The Final Seal of Approval : Directives for Data Producers/researchers, Data Consumers and Digital Archives
Henk Harmsen
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Enabling Access to Scientific and Technical Data-sets in eScience : a role for Library Science
James L. Mullins
Dean of Purdue University Libraries
... so what have we learnt?
Andrew Kaniki
National Research Foundation
Theme 4: Curation of African Digital Content
Dr Kagiso Chikane
State of Scientific Data in Africa
Dr Achuo Enow
International Council for Science, Regional Office for Africa
Oceanographic Data and Information Initiatives in Africa
Alfonse Dubi
University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences
Situation in South Africa : Outcome of NeDIC Investigation
Roy Page-Shipp
Digital Curation : the Legal Framework in South Africa
Graham Dominy
National Archives South Africa
Theme 5: Digital Management and Curation Practices in Specific Sciences.
Theme 5.1: Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Technical, etc.)
Coordinators: Zeblon Vilakazi, iTHEMBA Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences and Patricia Whitelock, South African Astronomical Observatory
Curation in Natural Sciences, Z.Z. Vilakzi, iThemba LABS and UCT-CERN Research Centre
* Management (archival) of large data sets
* Inter-operability between widely distributed platforms
* Standards and protocols
Theme 5.2: Life and Medical Sciences
Coordinators: Fourie Joubert, University of Pretoria and Nicola Mulder, University of Cape Town
We will start off with a brief presentation, and then discuss:
* Data types relevant to Life Sciences
* Public vs Generated data and the integration of the two
* Data storage and management
* Standards and ontologies
* Current activities
Theme 5.3: Social Sciences
The objective of the workshop is to identify the needs and requirements of and possible strategies for the Social Science & Humanities community to ensure the preservation and sharing of African research data and related documentation. In order to do this, the anticipated outcomes of the workshop are to:
* Identify who the stakeholders are and what their current interests in digital management and curation are
* Surface existing good practice
* Identify known obstacles, requirements and needs
* Identify possible strategies to address these
Institutional Data Curation Implementation, Human Sciences Research Council
Survey Metadata Tool : Data Management and Information Delivery Project (DMID)
Matile Malimabe
Statistics South Africa
DataFirst and Data Curation
Lynn Woolfrey
University of Cape Town
Data integration at the South African Data Archive (SADA)
Dr Daisy Selematsela
National Research Foundation
Theme 5.4: Spatial Sciences
Coordinators: Heidi van Deventer, CSIR and Marina Strydom, Johannesburg Citi Parks
Curation of Spatial Data in RSA, facilitated by Heidi van Deventer, CSIR and Maryna Strydom (SRK)
Workshop participants to discuss the following:
* Motivation for digital data curation: the positive aspects of curating our data.
* Known obstacles associated with curation.
* Who are the stakeholders to consider?
* Who should take on the curation responsibility?
* What are the minimum requirements for effective curation to address?
* Accessibility and Costs.
* What next - whereto from here?
Theme 5.5: Curation of Information
Coordinators: Ina Smith, University of Pretoria and Hussein Suleman, University of Cape Town
Digitisation - the 3 Cs: Copyright, Contracts and Creative Commons
Denise Nicholson
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Data Curation Repositories : from past to present
Hussein Suleman
University of Cape Town
Data curation in an existing infrastructure : Stellenbosh University
Wouter Klapwijk
Stellenbosch University
Open discussion on the following:
What can/should the repository and archiving community do to support researchers at institutions?
What tools can/should we use?
How does this relate to other archiving efforts (e.g., ETDs, Open Access)?
Theme 6 Plenary: Developing an African Digital Management and Curation Agenda in Support of eResearch
Dr Daisy Selematsela
National Research Foundation
The way ahead:
Formalised policy
Roles and responsibilities
The need for a formalised Network of African Data and Information Curation Centres (NeDICC) wider than just the partner organisations
DST/Roy Page-Shipp to lead the discussion.
Way Forward