The aim of this project was to develop a visual tool to create digital library systems from components, thereby avoiding problems in management of components. The tool was created as a client-server system, with a desktop GUI and a server-based component pool.
Team Members
Linda Eyambe, and H. Suleman (2004). "A Digital Library Component Assembly Environment", in G. Marsden, P. Kotzé and A. Adesina-Ojo (eds): Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 4-6 October, Stellenbosch, ACM Press, pp. 15-22. ISBN: 1-58113-982-9. Available http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000274/01/p15-eyambe.pdf
Linda Eyambe, and H. Suleman (2005). A component assembly approach to digital library systems, South African Computer Journal, Vol. 35, pp. 59-68. ISSN 1015-7999. Available http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000307/01/sacj_2005_blox_revised.pdf
Suleman, H., Linda Eyambe, M. Luo and E. A. Fox (2003) "New Directions in Digital Library Componentisation", at 7th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2003), Trondheim, Norway, 17-21 August 2003.